Friday, December 14, 2012

Because we have to move silently, merely gazing upon our toes.

University is an extremely effective institution. Sure, it allows for some education, but what it really excels at, is killing creativity.

When we think of school, we also think of the problems stated in maths and physics, our desperation trying to solve them. We remember the essays that were written in the blink of a cosmic clock that attempted to solve or analyse grave problems in our society or events that happened before we were born. We recall the 3D structures of chemical compounds and the grand folly disputes of philosophy. What we learned, we had to understand. Not any more.

What we find now is that memorizing is key. And not in just subjects like anatomy, where practice would be difficult to implement, but in physics and chemistry as well. Sure, we can remember some quotes from some smart book about 'information' or electronic paramagnetic resonance, but we do not need to know what we can talk about. If we do happen to comprehend what we are on about, it's an accidental bonus. Nothing of importance. You can't call it a physics exam if you leave 10% of it to actual implementation of your knowledge and use the 90% to ask for memorize stuff. Lest we forget, "Knowing how to think empowers you much greater than those who only know what to think".

Gone is the logical thinking, gone is the creativity. Our thinking gets confined to a small box. Soon enough the only thing keeping you from going ultimately mad is a daily game of sudoku. And we must obey.

When it comes to losing my mind, I might skip a weekend and thus face a possible 3-day break. Perhaps even longer. But I ain't gonna die, keep checking back.

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