Do you ever wonder what it would be like if you were a dictator? Sure, everybody has. Everybody has had the idea that if they were in charge, things would be different, things would be better. Naturally, there would be great limitations to what we could do, human nature is sometimes unpredictable and oftentimes uncontrollable, especially by those that govern. You could enforce laws but there will always be someone breaking them or the laws would have no point. After all, laws are there to stop people from doing things they would like to, but should not.
A harsh dictatorship is better than any anarchy. In terms of societies, order is generally more efficient than chaos. It is why Feudalisms worked so well, it is why Nazi Germany and Soviet Republics were such efficient war machines. Everyone had clear guidelines to follow and more than clear consequences to face if the demands were not met. But these systems all collapse under their own weight because they need one seriously crucial bit that tends to be a letdown. The leader.
We learn from Machiavellian principles that a good leader is one who is necessary for everyone. Or well, preferred by everyone. That way the leader will remain in power - who were to desire the leader out of the way would be faced with few allies in the plot. It is better to keep a beneficial leader in power than to let him fall, even if you were to cause it. This means the leader must be efficient at managing resources and the happiness of those resources. The greater the country to lead, the more resources to manage. If the country gets bigger, more resources have to be managed. Even if there is a strong leader at the helm, finding a successor is a huge conundrum.
But being a leader does not have to be only being a head of state. A leader comes out in small groups of people as well. The tasks remain mostly the same. Assess what the people are good at, make sure they get to do things they are good at and enjoy doing (or an efficient compromise of the two). Keep the broncos from bucking, ease tensions between people as they work together. Find out who works better with whom. Keep everyone happy and motivated, and make sure they know they need you to keep the incredible machine running. Because you should not pull out the control panel of life support machines. Pull it out and it stops working effectively. Having a good leader is paramount.
"The difficulty
arises out of the fact that authoritarianism must discourage criticism;
accordingly, the benevolent dictator will not easily hear of complaints
concerning the measures he has taken." - K. Popper
The leader position is not just about handling others. It is about communicating, and a large part of communicating is listening. That means also listening to people telling what you are doing wrong. In the case of states, it is tempting to censor everything negative. In the case of smaller groups, it is easier to simply ignore the negative. But negative is the part that is easier to learn from, constructive criticism guides us. We need opposition to the ruling government as much as we need friends that tell us when we make mistakes, or are about to. Human beings have the ability to learn from the mistakes of others, and the annoying tendency not to. But sometimes we do, and that is what guides us. You can't be a good leader if you do not improve upon your faults.