Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"Be adventurous, but not reckless!"

Inspiration. It is something abstract, yet something we all crave for. In that respect, it is like love. We can't really define it, unless we go down the simple route of saying it is a normal part of our biology, a simple reaction that happens in us. But there is something they both have in common that is not part of the definition. They are both triggered by some kind of outside influence. Sometimes the same influence.
Pretty much everyone knows how when we meet someone interesting and/or attractive, our creative juices start flowing. And so amazing artwork, breathtaking poetry and romantic novels are born. From meeting a single person that somehow triggers a switch in us. Continued meeting can preserve the hormone balance required for the extraordinary creativity, but eventually the juice runs out. Stagnation kills emotions, and without emotions there cannot be exquisite works of art. Then is the last moment to attempt sudden progress (as opposed to gradual progress). Otherwise one day you will look into the mirror and realize that you have reached your potential, and wasted all opportunities to be something more, that what you see is all that you will ever be. And that is not a nice thing to happen.
However, unlike love, inspiration can be triggered by random events, even inanimate objects. Conversations, books, quotes. Even a wandering mind can suddenly be overcome by an unexpected wave of creativity when it becomes tired enough. But the best source of inspiration is life itself. What happens to you, what you overhear, what you talk about, what you do. Not awesome TV-series or irrefutably good books. It is what changes you the most that gives you the most inspiration to do something. Change triggers the mind. So try something new once in a while. Try a new hobby, go see a foreign film with a nice girl, visit a museum or science center, write blindly. Your mind will thank itself.

And in case you haven't heard, even the U.S. are warning about a big troublemaker called Java. So it is not just slow, it is also kind of dangerous.

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