Thursday, January 3, 2013

It is a brand new world out there. It is time for a brand new you.

Ah, a new year has arrived, and with it, new promises and hopes to finally do something we've wanted to do for years, but never done them. Though often more than not, if you wait long enough, an opportunity will present itself.

Change rarely comes when you want it to, instead it likes to sneak up behind you and get your knickers in a twist before it finally shows itself. As with the New Year. Most resolutions fail due to the lack of change. Some succeed because they make the change happen, some do because change coincides with their desires. This time, I got lucky.

I have decided to let go of the 2-day blogging limit, set about 6 months ago, as it really hasn't worked out lately. Instead, a 3-day limit will have to do, as long as I keep working on my resolution-induced side project. It is something I've wanted to do for a long time, years even. But I believe that if I don't do it now, I will never. Why? Because I no longer live the easy life where nothing really *had* to be done. Now it is time to do things when things are supposed to be get done, and do them properly, not half-assed. It is the time to step up one's game and stay on top of the moving mountain, so as to avoid getting crushed by it.
"It is time to get to work." - John Smith

In any case, if there's something you've long wanted to do, but haven't got round to it, now is as good time as any to start.

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