I want to ask you your thoughts. I want to know your positions about certain topics, the reasons for such opinions, and perhaps even your evaluations on certain subjects. I admit I am a little lazy, but I’m not as lazy as most people sound nowadays. I want to know about the ‘grey zone’ as well.
I am sick and tired of constantly hearing how Americans political arguments go off to fields of mud. They get sticky for everyone involved, staining every single one of them. And one of the main culprits – the ‘team’ effect. Instead of everyone being allowed to express their own ideas, they are forced to express the party’s ideas. All republicans appear to hate Obama for the same things democrats hated Bush for, and there is no constructive criticism in sight. One side simply hates the other, nobody apparently in the middle. This is impossible! Since the two sides apparently conflict in every aspect, the tables turning roughly every 8 years, it is impossible that the majority of people agree with this dance and have no personal viewpoints or perspectives at all. And since the sides oppose each other, they can be classified as ‘extremes’. It is not wise to propagate two extremes and leave nobody in the middle – compromises are necessary for an efficient government. Then again, the ‘Fast and Furious’ program (in which Americans (ATF) sold automatic rifles to Mexican druglords to find out where the druglords have been getting their automatic rifles for so long, it turned out to be Americans (governmental program), in the process they lost track of a few thousand rifles, but they recovered one that was used to kill an American citizen) depicts that government as not very efficient. But it has worked so far.
In fact, the very same situation can be compared to Team Edward and Team Jacob. A completely arbitrary competition wherein the result is in the book, yet people rooted for the side that was predetermined to lose. And these sides conflicted, sometimes violently. And I dare to add yet another example of stupid, arbitrary conflict: Team Catholic vs. Team Muslim. USA appears to be inhabited by many loud-mouthed violently religious people who hate all other religions, but mainly those stinky rural Muslims who want to destroy the world. So the *United* States decided to strike down those pesky peace-loving Muslims, thereby unleashing a wave of destruction. I have previously mentioned how the Republicans decided to disallow an American citizen to join their party because the man was a terrorist. There was no proof of that other than the fact that the man admitted to being a Muslim. Hence for no apparent reason there is a conflict between two religions, neither of which has proven to be better than the other. Though, on second thought, perhaps Islam has caused less death.
Another thing that I hate about some Catholics is their constant belief that science is blasphemy or always wrong. Not just do they want to ban evolution being taught in schools, even those that watch TEDtalks comment how they find talks on evolution ‘perplexing’ because ‘God created man perfect’ and any changes would be a ‘step backwards’ (these excerpts are from actual comments). The latest news was about North Carolina banning accurate sea level rise predictions. It is ridiculous. I am not against believing in Jesus or Mohammed or Ra just because I do not believe in them, they are positive Gods that prohibit manslaughter and tell you to act responsibly. I am against the bigots who refuse to accept that their point of view might not be wholly accurate or even faintly correct. And this classification of ‘Team Jesus’, ‘Team Mohammed’, ‘Team Bieber’, is simply propagating senseless conflict with violent outcome. It is as arbitrary as punching a person in the face for wearing orange.
The only good thing that I can think of that this constant misclassification and creating contrasting sides is that if one of those sides is abolished, eliminated, eradicated, got rid of, then the side that remains can aim for Unification – every person thinking as the whole. But with bigoted people I doubt very much that is something worth aiming for.
What's wrong with punching people in the face for wearing orange?
ReplyDeleteIt serves no purpose and is very offensive as far as the Dutch are concerned. However, it was originally meant as a reminder of a previously posted video here.