Tuesday, June 12, 2012

“We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile and nothing can grow there; too much, the best of us is washed away.”


“Artists use lies to tell the truth, while politicians use them to cover the truth up.” – Alan Moore

Art and literature can be used to convey a message, it is what revolutionaries can use to weaken a regime or conservatives to explain to the people why the regime is necessary. Politics, on the other hand, require the skilful use of warping and twisting the truth to keep the representatives of the regime popular and in power.

Being an artist is not a shame. A writer, a poet, even a philosopher can be of use, of value. If they use their talent for saying something, if they try to propagate thinking of something logical. But if all they do is tinker with nails or something of the ilk, what’s the point?

Modern art has perverted the cause of art – instead of conveying a message or an emotion, people do their best to stand out, to get attention. Not to make a statement. The only message they have is ‘WTF’. Nudity hardly says anything meaningful, paint splatters even less.

Sure, there are those who do not wish artists to speak, those afraid of the truth, or just wanting to tinker alone and not become star artists. Creating is a pleasant pastime that kills time very efficiently – in the sense that time flies. But that is simple doodling, drawing without purpose. While it does not harm anyone, it hardly benefits anyone as well.

Sure, the person creating can be entertained. But it is one of countless ways to be entertained. It is a squeak in a crowd, a hush in a busy train station. It is redundant.

So what is the point of creating art without a point?

Whether or not journalists nowadays serve their purpose is an another question for an another time. Let’s not forget, their work is to report the news. But doing it superficially doesn’t report anything. Sure, knowing *that* something happens could be of use, but it is more interesting to find out *why* that something happened. And that is something they keep missing. And where does it leave us? Uninformed.

Knowledge is power.

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